Our Portfolio

“We support companies and authorities in identifying their critical business structures,
processes and systems, their vulnerabilities in the event of cyber attacks and define suitable security measures”.

Cyber Emergency and Coordination Center

Cyber ​​crisis management

Have you been the victim of a cyber attack and need support? Deutor will guide you through the crisis and support you in restoring normal operations.

Ad-hoc Crisis Management

Strategic simulation exercises

We offer tailored cyber simulation exercises that are industry-specific and supervised by experienced crisis managers. Our exercises are based on real cases that Deutor has accompanied as a crisis manager and are carried out together with you to strengthen your ability to react in crisis situations.

Trainings and Workshops

Cyber ​​maturity analysis

Deutor supports you in analyzing the cyber security maturity level in your company and offers support in the implementation of technical and organizational measures to strengthen resilience against cyber attacks.

Cyber Security Consulting

Cyber ​​prevention for SMEs

Cyber ​​attacks pose significant technical, organizational and financial risks, especially for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). DEUTOR's Cyber ​​Emergency and Coordination Center (CECC) supports you in overcoming these challenges, implementing suitable solutions and taking out cyber insurance.

What our partner says about us?

"The Deutor concept is convincing thanks to its great service and a highly motivated team."

NIls Geschäftsführer, Veronym

What our partner says about us?

"The 2. Deutor Cyber Security Best Practice Conference was an excellent event that made an important contribution to practical work in cyber security."

IT Watch Cyber Security Conference

What our partner says about us?

„The cooperation with Deutor is characterized by consistently high quality and extreme reliability. We at Comback are very happy with this partnership.“


Achim Issmer Managing Director COMBACK GmbH